A Walk In The Evening

The sun is setting straight ahead
The horizon is aglow with rage
The evening ends with the moon
You think of wars that’ll be waged

Watch pebble after pebble
Fly under your feet
Are you the lord of this world?
You’re just waiting to meet

The night begins to begin
And evil and devious take a walk
With a blade in your small hands
There’s no time to talk!

As you shout above the whole din
The others won’t listen to you
And when you break the silence
They say there’s no time to

Each to his own they stand
Taking on victory in their strides
A teaching is done when you fall
And you learn when you leap to new heights

They don’t care and will never do
But you have to be there to listen
A scapegoat is all that’s required
And such is the history of men

The victorious script tales
And you have to learn them
There’s always an internal motive
And you’ve to sing their name!

But changes will never cease to be
And tonight will see a new dawn
You quicken to a small sprint
As you wait to sing unto them a new song

The corner of the street is here
And you wait until she arrives
With those annoying but rich men
As you wait to pick their lives

Melancholic tunes you hum
And you tip the beggar a penny
Your hands begin to sweat
There’s nothing in it for the money!

Years of torment and torture
Tearing your freedom away
Stripped naked for everyone to see
You will want to make them pay

Concentrated on the anger and blood
You thumb the serrated edge
Pick your next steps carefully
For you may fall off the edge

The door is locked as you try it
But what is wood as an obstacle?
Break the window, shatter and open
Tear away at your shackles

Megalomania conquers you
For God cannot deny mercy
They will always shriek for it
When you unleash your fury

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