Monthly Archives: December 2008

To 2009!

2008 is done. There must be a lot of blogs out there about how the year was, and how now everyone’s looking forward to 2009, and I was wondering how I could make my blog post different. I finally realised I couldn’t. Why? Because 2008 is now a part of our history, our legacy, and all the memories the year came to deliver to us are those which we can reminisce about while rocking gently on an arm chair, perhaps a cigar in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other, and a seemingly idiotic smile on our face. That’s what they will be, come to think of it, seeing as what a weird year it was. On a larger scale, a whole lot of terrorist attacks, economic recessions and monstrous bankruptcy bailouts rocked the global scenario, and on a smaller scale, families reuniting, families going apart, catching up with old friends and relighting older flames. I liked 2008 for what it was, and I’d like for it to be that way. I learnt some whole new things about life and all that it encompasses, perhaps delivered a few lessons here and there, fell on my face while on explorations, and got back up again. Anyway, all’s well that ends well.

Wish you all a happy, prosperous and exciting new year! God bless ЁЯЩВ

– MV

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The Year In Pictures


2008! (picture pile)


2008! (grid, and better clarity :P)

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роЪро┐ро▓рокрпНрокродро┐роХро╛ро░роорпН роЖроЩрпНроХро┐ро▓родрпНродро┐ро▓рпН… рокрпБро░ро┐ропрпБрооро╛?

роиро╛ройрпН родрооро┐ро┤ро┐ро▓рпН роОро╣рпБрод родрпЖро╛роЯроЩрпНроХрпБроорпНрокрпЖро╛ро┤рпБродрпБ роОройроХрпНроХрпБ родрпЖро╛ройро╡ро┐ро▓рпНро▓рпИ WordPressроЗро▓рпН роЗродрпНродройрпИ родрооро┐ро┤рпН рокрпНро▓ро╛роХрпБроХро▓рпН рокроЯро┐рокрпНрокро╡ро░рпНроХро▓рпН роЗро░рпБрокрпНрокро╛ро░рпНроХро▓рпН роОрой. роЗройрпНро▒рпБ роиро╛ройрпН роОройрпНройрпБроЯроп DashboardроЕропрпН родро┐ро░роирпНродрпБ рокро╛ро░рпНродрпНродрпЗройрпН роЕроЯро┐ро░рпНроЪрпНроЪро┐ропрпБроЯройрпН! роХро┐роЯрпНроЯродрпНродроЯрпНроЯ роирпВро░рпБродро░ро╡ роОройрпНройрпБроЯроп рокрпНро▓ро╛роХропрпН родрооро┐ро┤ро░рпНроХро▓рпН рокроЯро┐родрпНродрпБро▓рпНро▓ро╛ро░рпНроХро▓рпН. роЗроирпНродро┐ропро╛ро╡ро┐ро▓рпН роЖроЩрпНроХро┐ро▓родрпНродрпИ родро╡ро░ ро╡рпЗро░рпЖродрпБроорпН роорпЖро╛ро┤ро┐ роЕро╡рпНро╡ро▓ро╡ро╛роХ рокрпЗроЪрокрпНрокроЯрпБро╡родро┐ро▓рпНро▓рпИ. родро┐ро▓рпНро▓ро┐ропро╛роХ роЗро░рпБроХрпНроХроЯрпНроЯрпБроорпН, роХройро┐ропро╛роХрпБрооро░ро┐ропроХрпБ роЗро░рпБроХрпНроХроЯрпНроЯрпБроорпН, роОро▓рпНро▓ро╛роорпН роЗроЯродрпНродро┐ро▓рпБроорпН роЖроЩрпНроХро┐ро▓роорпН рокро░рокрпНрокро┐ роЙро▓рпНро▓родрпБ. роиро╛роорпН ропрпЗройрпН родро┐ройроорпБроорпН, роЗро▓рпНро▓ропрпЖройрпНро▒ро╛ро▓рпН ро╡ро╛ро░родрпНродро┐ро░рпНроХрпНроХрпБ роТро░рпБ роорпБро░рпИропро╛ро╡родрпБ, роТройрпНро▒рпБ роЕро▓рпНро▓родрпБ роЗро░рогрпНроЯрпБ рокрпНро▓ро╛роХрпН рокрпЖро╛ро╕рпНроЯрпНроХро▓рпН роЪрпЖропрпНропроХрпНроХрпВроЯро╛родрпБ? родрооро┐ро┤рпН роироорпН родро╛ропрпН роорпЖро╛ро┤ро┐. роЕродро┐ро▓рпН рокрпЗроЪрпБроХро┐ро░рпЖро╛роорпН. ропрпЗройрпН роОро┤рпБродроХрпНроХрпВроЯро╛родрпБ? роЗроирпНродрокрпНрокро┤роХрпНроХроорпН роХроЯрпНроЯро╛ропрооро╛роХ роЗро░рпБроХрпНроХро╡рпЗрогрпНроЯрпБроорпН роОройрпНро▒рпБ роЕро╡роЪро┐ропроорпН роЗро▓рпНро▓рпИ, роЖройро╛ро▓рпН роЗро░рпБроирпНродро╛ро▓рпН роиро▓рпНро▓родро▓рпНро▓ро╡ро╛?

роЗройрпНро▒рпБ роиро╛ройрпН роТро░рпБ рокрпНро▓ро╛роХрпИ рокро╛ро░рпНродрпНродрпЗройрпН. роЗрокрпНрокрпНро▓ро╛роХро┐ро▓рпН, роТро░рпБ роирокро░рпН, роиро▓рпНро▓ роЕро░рпНрокрпНрокрпБродрооро╛роХ роЪро┐ро▓рокрпНрокродро┐роХро╛ро░роХрпНроХро╛рокрпНрокро┐ропродрпНродрпИ рокро▒рпНро▒ро┐ роОро┤рпБродро┐ роЗро░рпБроирпНродро╛ро░рпН. роЖройро╛ро▓рпН, роорпБро┤рпБро╡родрпБроорпН роЖроЩрпНроХро┐ро▓родрпНродро┐ро▓рпН роОро┤рпБродро┐ роЗро░рпБроирпНродродрпБ. роиро╛ройрпН ропрпЖро╛роЪро┐родрпНродрпБ рокро╛ро░рпНродрпНродрпЗройрпН. роЕродрпБро╡рпЗ родрооро┐ро┤ро┐ро▓рпН роОро┤рпБродро┐ роЗро░рпБроирпНродро┐ро░рпБроирпНродро╛ро▓рпН роЕроирпНрод prose рооро▒рпНро▒рпБроорпН perspective роОроЩрпНроХро┐ро░ роХродрпИропро┐ройрпН рокро╛роХроЩрпНроХро▓рпН роЗройрпНройрпБроорпН роЖроЪрпНроЪро░ро┐ропроорпН ропрпЖро░рпНрокроЯрпБродрпНродроХрпНроХрпВроЯро┐ропродро╛роХ роЗро░рпБроирпНродро┐ро░рпБроХрпНроХро▓ро╛роорпН. роОройрпН роиройрпНрокройрпН, ро╡ро┐роХрпНройрпЗро╖рпН роОройрпНрокро╡ройрпН, роЪро┐ро▓ рооро╛родроЩрпНроХро▓рпБроХрпНроХрпЗ роорпБройрпНрокрпБ роОройроХрпНроХрпБ роироорпН роРроирпНродрпБ роХро╛рокрпНрокро┐ропроЩрпНроХро▓рпИ рокро▒рпНро▒ро┐ роЪрпЖро╛ройрпНройро╛ройрпН. роЕро╡ройро┐роЯроорпН роЪро┐ро▓рокрпНрокродро┐роХро╛ро░роорпН роХро╛рокрпНрокро┐ропродрпНродро┐ройрпН роТро░рпБ PDF file роЗро░рпБроирпНродродрпБ. роОройроХрпНроХрпБ роЕродро┐ро▓рпН рокропройрпНрокроЯрпБродрпНродро┐роЙро▓рпНро▓ родрооро┐ро┤рпН роЪрпБродрпНродрооро╛роХ рокрпБро░ро┐ропро╡ро┐ро▓рпНро▓рпИ. роЕродройро╛ро▓рпН, роОройрпН роХроорпНрокро┐ропрпВроЯрпНроЯро░ропрпБроорпН роОройрпН родрпЖро░ро┐роирпНродроХрпНроХрпЖро╛ро▓рпНро▓ роЖроЪрпИропропрпБроорпН internetроЗро▓рпН рокро░роХрпНроХ роЙроЯрпНроЯрпЗройрпН. роЕрокрпНрокрпНро▓ро╛роХрпН роХро┐роЯрпИродрпНродродрпБ, роЖройро╛ро▓рпН рокроЯро┐родрпНродродрпБроорпН роТройрпНро▒рпБ родрпЖро╛ройрпНро▒ро┐ройродрпБ: роОро┤рпБродро┐ройродрпБ роЖроЩрпНроХро┐ро▓родрпНродро┐ро▓рпН роЗро░рпБроирпНродро┐ро░рпБроирпНродро╛ро▓рпБроорпН, родрооро┐ро┤ро┐ро▓рпН рокроЯро┐рокрпНрокродро┐ро▓рпН роТро░рпБ роЪроирпНродрпЖро╛ро╖роорпБрогрпНроЯро▓рпНро▓ро╡ро╛? роЖ роХроорпНрокрпАро░роорпН! роЖ ро╡рпАро░роорпН! роЖ рооройрокро▓роорпН! роЪро┐ро▓рокрпНрокродро┐роХро╛ро░роорпН роОройрпНрокродрпБ роТро░рпБ родрооро┐ро┤ройро┐ройрпН роХро▓ро╛роЪрпНроЪро╛ро░родрпНродро┐ро▓рпН роКро░ро┐ропрпБро▓рпНро▓ роТро░рпБ роорпБроХрпНроХро┐ропрооро╛рой роХродрпИ, ро╡ро░ро▓ро╛ро░рпБроорпН роХрпВроЯ. роЕродрпИ роиро╛роорпН роЪрпЖро░ро┐ропро╛роХ рокрпБро░ро┐роирпНродроХрпНроХрпЖро╛ро▓рпНро▓ро╡рпЗрогрпНроЯрпБроорпН. роЕродро┐ро▓рпН роЙро▓рпНро▓ роХродро╛рокрпНрокро╛родрпНродро┐ро░роЩрпНроХро▓ро┐ройрпН ро╡ро╛ро┤рпНроХрпНроХрпИроХро▓ро┐ройрпН роЕро░рпНродрпНродроЩрпНроХро▓рпИ роЙройро░ро╡рпЗрогрпНроЯрпБроорпН.

роЖроХрпНроХро╛рокрпНрокро┐ропродрпНродро┐ройрпН рокро╛роЯроЩрпНроХро▓рпН роОройроХрпНроХрпБ роЗройрпНро▒рпБроорпН роорпБро┤рпБроорпИропро╛роХ рокрпБро░ро┐ропро╡ро┐ро▓рпНро▓рпИ. роОройроХрпНроХрпБ роЗропрпНропрпЖро╛роЪройрпИроХро▓рпБроорпН родрпЖро╛ройрпНро▒ро┐ропродройро╛ро▓рпН роиро╛ройрпН роЗродрпЖро▓рпНро▓ро╛роорпН роОро┤рпБродро┐ройрпЗройрпН.

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роЗройрпНро▒роп роЪрпЖропрпНродро┐роХро▓рпН!!!

рокроЯро┐роЪрпНроЪрпБ роорпБроЯро┐родрпНродрпБро╡ро┐роЯрпНроЯрпЗройрпН. ро╡рпЗро▓ропрпЗ роЗро▓рпНро▓рпИ. роОройрпНрой роЪрпЖропрпНро╡родрпБ? роЗродрпИ роЪрпЖропрпНродрпЗройрпН. родрооро┐ро┤ро┐ро▓рпН роЪро┐ро▓ ро╡ро╛ро░рпНродрпНродрпИроХро▓рпН роиро╛роорпН роЖроЩрпНроХро┐ро▓родрпНродро┐ро▓рпН рокропройрпНрокроЯрпБродрпНродро┐роХро┐ро░рпЖро╛роорпН. ропрпЗройрпН? ропрпЗройрпЖройрпНро▒ро╛ро▓рпН роЖроЩрпНроХро┐ро▓родрпНродро┐ро▓рпН роЗро╡рпНро╡ро╛ро░рпНродрпНродрпИроХро▓рпН роЪрпБро▓рокрооро╛роХ рокропройрпНрокроЯрпБродрпНродро▓ро╛роорпН. роЕро╡рпНро╡ро╛ро░рпНродрпНродрпИроХро▓ро┐ро▓рпН роЪро┐ро▓ро░ро┐роЩрпНроХрпБ роиро╛ройрпН роОро┤рпБродро┐ роЙро▓рпНро▓рпЗройрпН.

pillow – родро▓роХро╛ройро┐
bus – рокрпЗро░рпБроирпНродрпБ
station (Central, роЪрпЖройрпНройрпИропро┐ро▓рпН) – ро░рпЖропро┐ро▓рпН роиро┐ро▓ропроорпН
shopping – роиро░роп роХроЯрпИроХро▓рпБроХрпНроХрпБ рокрпЖро╛ропро┐ роХро╡ро▓ропрпЗ рокроЯро╛рооро▓рпН роЕрокрпНрокро╛ро╡ро┐ройрпН роХро╛роЪрпИ роЪрпЖро▓ро╡рпНро╡ро┤ро┐рокрпНрокродрпБ
office – ро╡рпЗро▓рпИ роЪрпЖропрпНропрпБроорпН роЗроЯродрпНродро┐ро▓рпН роТро░рпБ роЪро┐ройрпНрой роЗроЯроорпН
lunch – роородро┐ропроорпН роЪро╛рокрпНрокро╛роЯрпБроорпН роЪро╛рокрпНрокро╛роЯрпБ, роЕродрпБро╡рпБроорпН рооройрпИро╡рпБ роЪроорпИродрпНрод роЪро╛рокрпНрокро╛роЯрпБ
evening – рооро╛ро▓рпИ
toilet – роЪрпЖрпЧроЪрпНроЪро╛ро▓ропроорпН
clock – роХроЯро┐роХро╛ро░роорпН
time – роирпЗро░роорпН
2 o’ clock – роЗро░рогрпНроЯрпБ рооройро┐ роирпЗро░роорпН; родроорпН рокро┐роЯро┐рокрпНрокродро░рпНроХрпНроХрпБ роТро░рпБ роЕро░рпНрокрпНрокрпБродрооро╛рой роирпЗро░роорпН
lover – роХро╛родро▓ро┐
volume – роЪродрпНродроорпН
bit paper – рокро░ро┐роЯрпНроЪрпНроЪрпИропро┐ро▓рпН рокропройрпНрокроЯрпБродрпНродро╡рпЗрогрпНроЯро┐роп роТро░рпБ рооро┐роХрпНроХро┐ропрооро╛рой роХроЯро┐родроорпН
arrear – роЗро░рогрпНроЯро╛роорпН, роЕро▓рпНро▓родрпБ роорпВройрпНро▒ро╛роорпН, роорпБропро░рпНроЪрпНроЪро┐
beach – роХро╛родро▓ро┐ропрпБроЯройрпН роХроЯро▓рпИ рокрпЖро╛роЯрпБро╡родрпБ
bad smell – роХрпБроЪрпБ
cooker – роиро▓рпНро▓ роЕро░ро┐роЪро┐ропропрпН роорпЖро╛роЪрооро╛роХ роЪрооропроХрпНроХ роТро░рпБ роЕро░рпНрокрпНрокрпБрод рокрпЖро╛ро░рпБро▓рпН
deoderant – роХрпБроЪрпБро╡рпБроорпН ро╡рпЗро╡рпИропрпБроорпН роХро▓роирпНрод роТро░рпБ роиро╛родрпНродродрпНродрпИ good smellроЖроХ роХро╛роЯрпНроЯро┐роХрпЖро╛ро▓рпНро╡родро░рпНроХрпНроХрпБ роТро░рпБ роЙро░рпНроЪрпНроЪро╛роХ рокро╛ройроорпН
theatre – ро╡ро┐роЪро┐ро▓рпН роЕроЯро┐рокрпНрокродро░рпНроХрпНроХрпБ роиро▓рпНро▓ роХро╛ро░ройроорпН
bike – роЗро░рогрпНроЯрпБроЪрпНроЪроХрпНроХро░ ро╡ро╛ро╣ройроорпН; speed breakerроЗройрпН роорпЗро▓рпН роЪрпЖро░ро┐ропро╛роХ роТроЯрпНроЯро┐ройро╛ро▓рпН… jala bula junks!
tea – роЪро╛ропро╛; роородро┐ропроорпН роЗро░рогрпНроЯрпБ рооройро┐ роирпЗро░роорпН роХрпБро░рпИроирпНродрпБ ро╡ро┐ро▓рпИропро┐ро▓рпН роХро┐роЯрпИроХрпНроХрпБроорпН
MGR – родро▓рпИро╡ро░рпН!
i love you – роиро╛ройрпН роЙройрпНройрпИ роХро╛родро▓ро┐роХрпНроХро┐ро░рпЗройрпН; роЖройро╛ро▓рпН роЙройрпНройрпИ роХро▓рпНропро╛ройроорпН роЪрпЖропрпНропрооро╛роЯрпЗройрпН. OK ро╡ро╛?
college – роХро▓рпНро▓рпВро░ро┐; рокроЯро┐роХрпНроХро╛рооро▓рпН рокро░ро┐роЯрпНроЪрпНроЪрпИропропрпН pass роЪрпЖропрпНро╡родро░рпНроХрпНроХро╛рой рокро▓рпНро▓ро┐роХрпНроХрпВроЯроорпН
friend – роиройрпНрокройрпН; роХроЯройрпН роХрпЖро╛роЯрпБрокрпНрокро╡ройрпН
enemy – роГрокро┐роХро░рпИ рокро╛родрпНродродрпБроорпН роХрпЖро┤роЯрпНроЯро┐ роЙроЯрпБрокро╡ройрпН
waste – роХрпБрокрпНрокрпИ; роиро╛ропро░рпН роХроЯрпИропро┐ро▓рпН роХро┐роЯрпИроХрпНроХрпБроорпН Gold Flake родроорпН
10 o’ clock – роОройродрпБ рокро░ро┐роЯрпНроЪрпНроЪрпИ роирпЗро░роорпН

роЗродрпНродрпБроЯройрпН роЪрпЖропрпНродро┐роХро▓рпН роорпБроЯро┐ро╡рпНро╡роЯрпИроирпНродрой. роорпАрогрпНроЯрпБроорпН роЗро░рогрпНроЯрпБ рооройро┐роХрпНроХрпБ роЗродрпЖро╛роЯ роХрпЗро╡ро▓рооро╛рой роЪрпЖропрпНродро┐роХро▓рпБроЯройрпН роЪроирпНродрпНродро┐рокрпЖро╛роорпН.


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India: A Cultural Coalition

The famous philosopher and post-modernist Michael Foucault said “language is oppression”. This may be partially true, since it allows only those who do know the language to communicate, shunning all those who don’t to a section of the society that gradually and inevitably disintegrates. Communication is a very central aspect of who we are, and our ability to communicate ‘in harmony’ reflects our togetherness, or rather, integrity, as a people and our capability of being able to establish a nation that stands strong. Although a national language would be hard to establish as such, an official language should do. A national language has far more severe consequences as opposed to official ones. This is because the official languages serve only to formalise business communication; the national language would attempt to unify the people of the nation. For a predominantly English-speaking nation, this is easy. For a nation like India, this is not. We have official languages in double digits, fine, but since all of her 30 or so states have been formed on a lingual basis, the inclusion of a provision for a national language in the constitution would invoke chaos within the nation. India is a coalition of different cultures: having a national language would be having a bias. It is not easy in India to conflict the values of the peoples of one culture while you try to side with another. It is a delicate balance, and the best solution would be to just stick to officialising business communication. The south Indians, especially the Tamilians and the Malayalis, don’t take as easily to Hindi as do the Telugu and the Kannadigas. On the other hand, the Hindi-speaking peoples are exposed to a different kind of lingual characterisation than the southern languages, and adaptation is again difficult. There are, of course, many more problems beside these, but I think you get the point.

However, my point in this post is that how only your mother tongue seems to be able to deliver the style of communication you need. No other language you could learn will come to serve you as finely as your mother tongue. If everyone observed this, a possibility of a nation language in the offing would seem even more bleak. Your mother tongue is your native language, it is something you have been listening to being spoken since birth, and it is something you have been speaking yourself. Many of the necessary habits of life taught to children are during their younger ages, when they learn without questioning and also follow it blindly. Even thought they may come to realise the purpose of it all later on, that time period when their mind is ripe is a rarity. And when you the child learns a language in this period, it is difficult to forget it wholly, and later on, it is also difficult to let go of it. It is as if the language has been mixed into your blood. This nativity┬а in language is present among all the peoples of India, and those asking for the establishment of a national language should take into consideration these factors also. Apart from the commercial aspect of it all, India’s existence as a cultural coalition is a very important factor in the determination of such matters. No other nation is like India, and we can’t come to a conclusion derived from a comparative study. If we can’t have a national language, then we don’t need a national language. That’s all.

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ро╡ро╛ро┤рпНроХрпНроХрпИропрпБроорпН роХро▓рпНро▓рпВро░ро┐ропрпБроорпН

роЗройрпНро▒рпБ роиро╛ройрпН ропрпЖройрпНрой роЪрпЖропрпНродрпЗройрпН?


роЙро░роЩрпНроХро┐ройродрпЗро╛ роХро╛ро▓рпИропро┐ро▓рпНродро╛ройрпН. ро░ро╛родрпНродро┐ро░ро┐ роорпБро┤рпБро╡родрпБроорпН родрпВроХрпНроХроорпЗ ро╡ро░ро╡ро┐ро▓рпНро▓рпИ. ропрпЖродрпЗро╛ роТройрпНро▒рпБ роЯрпА ро╡рпА ро╖рпЖро╛ рокро╛ро░рпНродрпНродрпБроХрпНроХрпЖро╛рогрпНроЯро┐ро░рпБроирпНродрпЗройрпН. роиро╛ро▓рпИ рокро░ро┐роЯрпНроЪрпИ роОройрпНрокродро╛ро▓рпН роХрпЖро╛роЮрпНроЪроорпН роирпЗро░роорпН рокроЯро┐родрпНродрпЗройрпН. рокро┐ро░роХрпБ роХрпЖро╛роЮрпНроЪроорпН роирпЗро░роорпН ро░ро╛роХрпН рокро╛роЯрпНроЯрпБроХрпНроХро▓рпН роХрпЗроЯрпНроЯрпБроХрпНроХрпЖро╛рогрпНроЯро┐ро░рпБроирпНродрпЗройрпН. роорпНроорпН… роЗрокрпНрокрпЖро╛ро┤рпБродрпЖро▓рпНро▓ро╛роорпН ро░родрпНродро┐ро░ро┐роХро▓ро┐ро▓рпН роХро▓рпНро▓рпВро░ро┐ рооро╛ройро╡ро░рпНроХро▓рпБроХрпНроХрпБ родрпВроХрпНроХроорпН ро╡ро░рпБро╡родрпБ роЪрпБро▓рокрооро▓рпНро▓ родрпЖро░ро┐ропрпБроо? ро░ро╛родрпНродро┐ро░ро┐родро╛ройрпН роОроЩрпНроХро▓рпБроХрпНроХрпБ ро╡ро┐роЯро┐ропрпБроорпН роирпЗро░роорпН! рооро╛ро▓рпИропро┐ро▓рпН роиройрпНро▒ро╛роХ рокроЯро┐рокрпНрокро╡ро░рпНроХро▓рпБроХрпНроХрпБ родрпВроХрпНроХроорпН ро╡роирпНродрпБро╡ро┐роЯрпБроорпН. роТройрпНро▒рпБ родрпЖро░ро┐ропрпБрооро╛? роЗродрпИ роХрпЗроЯрпНроЯро╛ро▓рпЗ роОройроХрпНроХрпБ роЪро┐ро░ро┐рокрпНрокрпБродро╛ройрпН ро╡ро░рпБроХро┐ро░родрпБ! роХро▓рпНро▓рпВро░ро┐ропро┐ро▓рпН ропро╛ро░рпН роиройрпНро▒ро╛роХ рокроЯро┐родрпНродродро╛роХ роЪро░ро┐родрпНродро┐ро░роорпН роЙрогрпНроЯрпБ? ро░ро╛родрпНродро┐ро░ро┐ роОроЩрпНроХро▓рпБроХрпНроХрпБ роХрпЖро╛рогрпНроЯро╛роЯрпНроЯроорпН роирпЗро░роорпН! рокроЯроЩрпНроХро▓рпН рокро╛ро░рпНрокрпНрокрпЖро╛роорпН, ро╡ро┐ро▓ропро╛роЯрпБро╡рпЖро╛роорпН, роЖройро╛ро▓рпН роХрпЖро╛роЮрпНроЪроорпН рокроЯро┐рокрпНрокрпЖро╛роорпН роХрпВроЯ. роХро▓рпНро▓рпВро░ро┐ роОройрпНрокродрпБ рокроЯро┐рокрпНрокрпБроХрпНроХрпБ роороЯрпНроЯрпБроорпН роорпБроХрпНропродрпНро╡роорпН роХрпБроЯрпБроХрпНроХрпБроорпН роТро░рпБ роЗройрпНро╕рпНроЯро┐роЯрпНропрпБро╖ройрпН роЕро▓рпНро▓. роЗроЩрпНроХрпБ, рооро╛ройро╡ро░рпНроХро▓рпН роЕро╡ро░рпНроХро▓рпБроЯроп рокрпЖро░рпНроЪройро╛ро▓ро┐роЯро┐ропрпБроорпН ро╡ро▓ро░рпНродрпНродрпБроХрпНроХрпЖро╛ро▓рпНро╡ро╛ро░рпНроХро▓рпН. роиро╛ро▓рпБ ро╡ро░ро┐роЯроЩрпНроХро▓рпН роЙро▓рпНро▓родрпБ роЕро╡ро░рпНроХро▓рпБроХрпНроХрпБ роТро░рпБ ро╡рпЖро▓рпИроХрпНроХрпБроорпН роТро░рпБ ро╡ро╛ро┤рпНроХрпНроХрпИроХрпНроХрпБроорпН роЪрпЖро▓рпНро╡родрпБро░рпНроХрпНроХрпБ. рокройродрпНродрпИ роОрокрпНрокроЯро┐ рокро╛ро░рпНродрпНродрпБроХрпНроХрпЖро╛ро▓рпНро╡родрпБ, рокрпЖроЩрпНроХро▓рпЖро╛роЯрпБ роОрокрпНрокроЯро┐ роироЯроирпНродрпНродрпБроХрпНроХрпЖро╛ро▓рпНро╡родрпБ, роТро░рпБ роиройрпНрокройрпН роОройрпНро▒ро╛ро▓рпН ропро╛ро░рпН, роЕрокрпНрокро╛ роЕроорпНрооро╛ родройрпН роороХройро┐роЯроорпН роОройрпНрой роОродро┐ро░рпНрокро╛ро░рпНроХрпНроХро┐ро░ро╛ро░рпНроХро▓рпН, роТро░рпБ роиро╛ро▓ро┐ро▓рпН роЙро▓рпНро▓ роирпЗро░роЩрпНроХро▓рпИ роОрокрпНрокроЯро┐ роорпЗройрпЗроЬрпН рокройрпНройрпБро╡родрпБ, рооро▒рпНро▒рпБроорпН роЗройрпНройрпБроорпН роиро░роп ро╡ро┐ро╖ропроЩрпНроХро▓рпН роЙро▓рпНро▓рой. рокро▓рпНро▓ро┐роХрпНроХрпВроЯродрпНродро┐ро▓рпН роЗро░рпБроХрпНроХрпБроорпН ро╡ро░рпИ роиро╛роорпН роироорпН роЕроорпНрооро╛ро╡ро┐ройрпН рокро╛родрпБроХро╛рокрпНрокро┐ро▓рпБроорпН роЕрокрпНрокро╛ро╡ро┐ройрпН рокройродрпНродро┐ро▓рпБроорпН ро╡ро╛ро┤рпНроирпНродрпБроХрпНроХрпЖро╛рогрпНроЯро┐ро░рпБроирпНродрпЖро╛роорпН. роХро▓рпНро▓рпВро░ро┐ропро┐ро▓рпН ро╡рпЖро░рпБроорпН роХроЯрпНроЯрпБроорпН роХро╛роЪрпБродро╛ройрпН роЕрокрпНрокро╛ро╡ро┐ройрпН роЪро╛ро░рпНрокро┐ро▓рпН ро╡ро░ ро╡рпЗрогрпНроЯрпБроорпН; роирпА рооро▒рпНро▒рпБроорпН роиро╛ роЪрпЖро▓рпНро╡ро┤ро┐роХрпНроХрпБроорпН рокройроорпН роироорпН роЪроорпНрокро╛родрпНропродрпНродро┐ро▓рпЗро░рпНроирпНродрпБ ро╡ро░ро╡рпЖрогрпНроЯрпБроорпН. роЖ! роЗродро░рпНроХрпНроХрпБ рокро┐ро░роХрпБ ро╡ро╛ро┤рпНроХрпНроХрпИродро╛ройрпЗ! роЕрокрпНрокрпЖро╛ро┤рпБродрпБроорпН роЕрокрпНрокро╛ро╡ро┐ройрпН роЪрпЖро▓ро╡ро┐ро▓рпН ро╡ро╛ро┤рпНроирпНродрпБроХрпНроХрпЖро╛рогрпНроЯро┐ро░рпБрокрпНрокро╛ропро╛? роХро▓рпНро▓рпВро░ро┐родро╛ройрпН роЙроирпНродройрпН роирпЗро░роорпН! роЪрпЖропрпН! ропрпЖродро╛ро╡родрпБ ро╡рпЗро▓рпИ роЪрпЖропрпН! роЙройрпНройро┐роЯроорпН ропрпЖродрпНродройрпИ родро┐ро░роорпИроХро▓рпН роЙро▓рпНро▓родрпБ роОройрпНро▒рпБ роЙройроХрпНроХрпЗ родрпЖро░ро┐ропрпБроорпН? рокропройрпНрокроЯрпБродрпБ! рокропрокрпНрокроЯро╛родрпЗ! роирпА роЗроЩрпНроХрпБ родроЯрпБрооро╛ро░ро┐ройро╛ро▓рпН ро╡ро╛ро┤рпНроХрпНроХрпИропро┐ро▓рпН родрпЖро╛родрпНродрпБро╡ро┐роЯрпБро╡ро╛ропрпН! рокрпЖро╛ропрпН роЪрпЖро╛ройрпНройро╛ропро╛? роТро░рпНродрпНродрпБроХрпНроХрпЖро╛ро▓рпН! рокро░ро╡ро╛ропрпНро▓рпНро▓рпИ. роЖройро╛ро▓рпН роЪрпЖропрпНрод родрокрпНрокрпИ роорпАройрпНро▒рпБроорпН роЪрпЖропрпНропрпНропро╛родрпЗ! рокро▓рпНро▓ро┐роХрпНроХрпВроЯродрпНродро┐ро▓рпН рокро╛роЯроорпН рокроЯро┐родрпНродрпИ. роХро▓рпНро▓рпВро░ро┐ропро┐ро▓рпН ро╡ро┤рпНроХрпНроХрпИропрпИ рокроЯро┐. ро╡ро┤рпНроХрпНроХрпИропро┐ро▓рпН роЙройрпНройрпИ рокроЯро┐.

I’ve used the Azhagi Transliteration Tool for this text. I haven’t yet found a translation tool, and if you know of any, do let me know. But I think I’d still prefer to transliterate because only then I can hope for my Tamil to improve. If I were to translate, I’d be back to my English again and that would be of no use since it defeats the purpose. On second thoughts, therefore, forget the translation tool! And here’s the link to Azhagi. It’s available free of cost, and download and installation is quick and simple.

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родрооро┐ро┤ро┐ро▓рпН роОро┤рпБродрпБро╡родрпБ

роЗродрпБ роПройрпН роорпБродро▓рпН родрооро┐ро┤рпН рокрпНро▓рпЛроХрпН рокрпЛро╕рпНроЯрпН! роЗродрпБроХрпНроХрпБ роорпБройрпНройро╛роЯро┐ роиро╛ройрпН родрооро┐ро┤ро┐ро▓рпН роОро┤рпБродро┐ройродро╛роХ роЪро░ро┐родрпНродро┐ро░роорпЗ роЗро▓рпНро▓рпИ! роПродрпЛ родрооро┐ро┤ро┐ро▓рпН роОро┤рпБродрпБро╡рпЗрогрпНроЯрпБроорпН роОройрпНро▒рпБ роиро╛ройрпН роиро┐ройрпИродрпНродрпЗройрпН, роЕродройро╛ро▓рпН роОро┤рпБродро┐ройрпЗройрпН. роЗройро┐роорпЗро▓рпЗро░рпНроирпНродрпБ, ро╡ро╛ро░родрпНродро┐ро▒рпНроХрпБ роТро░рпБ роорпБро▒рпИропро╛ро╡родрпБ родрооро┐ро┤ро┐ро▓рпН роОро┤рпБродрпБро╡рпЗройрпН роОройрпНро▒рпБ роиро┐ройрпИроХрпНроХро┐ро▒рпЗройрпН.

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TRamayan: A Spoof!

Characters: R – Ram; L – Lakshman; H – Hanuman; V – Ravan; S – Seeta.

Scene 1 [Ram and Lakshman are walking in the forest after Ravan takes away Seeta to Lanka]

L: So where are we going?
R: You ask that one more time and I’m leaving you!
L: Why so serious?
R: What do you mean why so serious? I didn’t want you on this trip in the first place!
L: Well, I thought that’d be obvious! You’re like 22 now, and I’m not even 20. Who’s gonna get me the booze?
R: Yeah, I can’t drink alone, too. So come along.
L: So where are we going?
R: Ok. Don’t make me repeat this. You know that chick I met the other day?
L: Seeta?
R: That’s the one. Really charming female. This dude’s taken her away to this island for the week end.
L: Uh oh! How did that happen?
R: Well, you know how we went on that picnic and she asked for the golden deer, and you cut that other chick’s nose?
L: C’mon man, I couldn’t help it! She looked like *********** (name withheld on request) for God’s sakes!
R: Yeah yeah, ok ok. Well the deer apparently belonged to this guy. So now, she’s gone.
L: Cool. Don’t worry man, we’ll get her back. So where are we going?
R: I know this friend from college who lives nearby. The name’s Hanuman. Nice guy.

Scene 2 [Ram and Lakshman are talking to Hanuman while the monkey army is assembling in the background]

R: Nice day. Pretty breezy. Sweet.
H: Cut the small talk. Get to the point.
L: I like you! And your tail! How do you keep it so silky and shiny?
H: Well it’s the shampoo. A special mix of…
R: Oh c’mon! My chick’s gone and you guys are worried about tails!
H: Oh! Sorry man. I’m sorry.
L: Yeah. Me too.
R: Got anything to drink? You know what I’m talking about.
H: I got stuff, yeah, but you wouldn’t wanna pee or puke on the way.
L: That’s there.
R: Right! So what’s the plan?
H: I got everything worked out man! First, we get this bridge thing built. The mechanical engineer monkeys are working on it.
L: How come I can’t see them?
H: Must be mass bunking. Anyway, next, we walk over this bridge, get off the other end, and then give this Ravan guy a missed call. He comes out and…
R: But I don’t have balance. You?
L: I don’t have balance either.
H: Well then give him a call request. He should show up in a few minutes. Etisalat?
[Both L and R]: Yup.
H: So that’s done. In the meanwhile, I’ll go to this guy’s place and meet your chick and tell her everything’s fine.
L: That’s a nice bit of thinking. But how’s she gonna know Ram sent you?
R: I got it. Here! Take my CGPA card. She’ll know it’s me. [Starts crying]
H: Oh man! C’mon. You don’t have to cry for this. You should know I’m dumber than you!

Scene 3 [The battle has begun, and Hanuman is away getting herbs for the injured Lakshman. Meanwhile, Ram engages Ravan while Seeta watches from the side]

[Background: A voice is shouting “M-M-M-MONSTER KILL!!!” and “UNSTOPPABLE!!!” as and when someone dies or scores a win]

V: Look at you loonies in my backyard! You know I’m gonna crush you like a bunch of ants under my feet! [Laughs with the sound of ten heads]
R: Don’t be so sure of victory, you five-times two-faced all-talk no-c**k! [Profanity buzzer goes off]! I’ll blog you, goddamn it!
V: Please! I know for a fact you can’t blog me! Leave that to Aditya Anand. Is he here by the way?
R: So where’s she? Where’s Seeta?
V: Don’t holler like that here! Just hear me out.
R: What?!
V: I’m gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse.
R: Which is… ?
V: You leave me with Seeta, and you get a carton. What say?
R: Hmmm… It is hard to refuse this. You got Blues?
V: No man. Only Reds.
R: Screw it! I’m taking Seeta!
S: You think I’m some product you can barter around? Shame on you guys!
R: Hey, hey! I’m here to take you home and that’s what I’m gonna do. Yo ten-face [to Ravan]! You want Seeta?! You’ll have to get through me first!
V: No one comes to my home carrying the stench of death. No one comes to my doorstep and insults my wife.
R: You have a wife?! Where’s she?
V: Let me finish! [Repeats the same lines] No one tells me what to do. In. My. Country. THIS! IS! LANKA!!! [Ravan sena shouts and clamours]
R: [Retreats to some distance] You face an army of free people who have nothing to lose! Indians! Leave nothing! Take everything! Tonight, we dine in hell!

[Shouting everywhere; all of the monkey army and the Ravan sena join battle. Hanuman returns in time to save Lakshman, who then resume fighting. After some fighting, the scene clears and we find Ram and Lakshman, and Ravan in a two-on-one, while Hanuman and Seeta watch from the side]

L: I tried! But this guy wonтАЩt die! ItтАЩs no use trying to kill him with arrows. HeтАЩs too IMBA!
R: Seeta! Does he have any weakness?!
S: Well, I donтАЩt know. But he told me he had to leave a girl named Anita to come to me.
R: Oi! Hanu! Get this Anita female from somewhere. And donтАЩt send your mech. monkeys. Send some from the chemical division. They have nothing to do anyway.
V: Cool. Consider it done!

[Anita enters with a catwalk. Ravan immediately falls into a melodic trance and is led off the battlefield. Ram leaves with celebration and there is celebration in the camp that night. тАШHare RamтАЩ plays in the background]

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I’m listening to…

‘Nerupu Vayinil’, Pudhepettai OST

Pudhupettai (music by Yuvan Shankar Raja)

Pudhupettai (music by Yuvan Shankar Raja)

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Why I Like The Nights More

This is a song I like very much because of the way it has been sung and also because of A R Rahman’s incomparable music holding it up from being being bland or monotonous. The beats are not too intense, and fall in the right places, making the song feel more even and, if possible, plaited like the hair of angels: it seems to flow is what I’m trying to say here. To those who don’t speak Tamil, the language in which the song has been sung, the song is about the flowers of the Margazhi month of the Tamil lunar calendar. The picturisation, you will agree, is also also very natural and almost implores and convinces you to take a walk in the morning mists of Yercaud or Kodaikanal, if possible. I always listen to this song before going to sleep; it has this soothing feel that gives me sleep faster than if I were to crash on my bed on a hard day’s night. It’s from the movie ‘May Madham’ (The Month of May).

So, why do I like the nights more? And why did I place this song here? Here’s why. This song has this touch of perfection to it, as though its sounds were crafted from the water of a lost spring, the mists of a cold night and the light of a new sun. It is as though nature is unabashedly dancing in its own and deserved glory as we all sleep. Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and looked out of your window? I have, and outside my window is the desert. The silence is overwhelming, as if all life has gone to sleep. There is no light pollution as it were, just the moon to brighten the place up with its pale rays of reflected light.

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The night is one piece. There is no daylight to break it down into the artificiality the world around us is, the fragmentations that it bears as a mark of our presence on it. The night is as if all life has coalesced into one form, that of silence, and as if there has been a unanimous decision to, for once, look upon nature as it should have been. Of course, this is close to impossible in cities. But haven’t you ever wanted to gaze upon the world as it could have been if man hadn’t been born? There is an inspiring naturality to it. There is no light, only the pale glow of the moon; there is no sound, only the occasional chirp of a cricket; there is no animal or bird to be seen, only the distant defiance that is the highway. I am a man of science, and also a God-fearing individual, but I get these pangs of Paganism that come as they wish and seldom leave quick.

The night not only allows for me to look upon these sights, but also keeps me awake and guessing as to what would happen next: does nature have a secret? Does Mother Earth come out at night and caress the distressed lives to sleep? What happens? The night is a cloak! A magical cloak, and it shields from sight any secrets that must be kept by those who wield it. Sight is man’s one most powerful sense, and blindness is his one most fundamental fear. When the night comes, man goes home and sleeps. He does not wish to come out and work. He does not trust his family to do so, and he awakens and trusts and walks only when the sun comes out again. The light is a form of blessing I agree, but only because we can see and be ourselves. This could be as life for man should be, but this light also imparts this selfishness. We wreak havoc during the morn, and let things to rot as we sleep soundly in our beds in the night. I may be arguing sans a meaning here, but I do not care! If I see this as this, perhaps there is someone else also who sees the night for what it is: a time to heal, and to be yourself again as you should have been.

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