To 2009!

2008 is done. There must be a lot of blogs out there about how the year was, and how now everyone’s looking forward to 2009, and I was wondering how I could make my blog post different. I finally realised I couldn’t. Why? Because 2008 is now a part of our history, our legacy, and all the memories the year came to deliver to us are those which we can reminisce about while rocking gently on an arm chair, perhaps a cigar in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other, and a seemingly idiotic smile on our face. That’s what they will be, come to think of it, seeing as what a weird year it was. On a larger scale, a whole lot of terrorist attacks, economic recessions and monstrous bankruptcy bailouts rocked the global scenario, and on a smaller scale, families reuniting, families going apart, catching up with old friends and relighting older flames. I liked 2008 for what it was, and I’d like for it to be that way. I learnt some whole new things about life and all that it encompasses, perhaps delivered a few lessons here and there, fell on my face while on explorations, and got back up again. Anyway, all’s well that ends well.

Wish you all a happy, prosperous and exciting new year! God bless 🙂

– MV

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