
Being a Hindu, I will never know what true paganism means. We Hindus worship idols, which total up to 33 crores, and we have all sorts of rituals all through the year. We follow the lunar calendar like many other religions, and most of our prayers involve the invocation of nature’s blessings. However, this is strictly limited to Paganism as a religion, as a belief wherein we humans believe that nature and the forces She bears are the source of all life and the spirit that ceaselessly consumes them through their journey in time. For me, paganism also assumes a different form. Perhaps, in fact, it might not be paganism but a placebo influenced largely by my upbringing. Anyway, I have noticed that when I am in the worst of my moods, the clouding of the skies relieves everything. I feel as though a new beginning that was promised somehwere in my bleakly recollected history has come to life and also at the right time. Does nature really influence us so much, or is it just me? I need to know, because such a thinkg has not happened once or twice to me, but lots of times. I prefer to stay indoors in such weather, but while inside, I become hyperactive. It feels as though the cycle of day and night has been broken just to give mankind a glimpse of what else exists out there in the mighty universe and the forces it represents: I take this as a paganistic metaphor that God is watching over us, whomsoever He may be. However, when I am down and the sun is shining bright, it feels as though nothing has changed around me. It feels as if no one is bothered that I feel so. I mean, I know I am getting a tad too fundamental here, but I can’t help but notice the impact of natural phenomena on the human mind, and how it shatters all perception and establishes some of its own, whether right or wrong being out of question. In a few of my older posts, I have mentioned how I take to the rains: as if they were cleansing showers sent up from up above, to cleanse us all off our sins and to return us to the womb whence we came as who we really were, as who were born, as whom we should live as, and as whom we should leave our mark upon this good earth. I don’t really know if paganism is all this, less than this, or may be more, but I don’t have the time to look up on all of that. As long as it continues, as long as this seemingly inexplicable impact continues to have its ways whenever it finds the need to, I will rest assured that mankind is, indeed, in safe hands.

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