Category Archives: Music

The Greatest Band In The World!

That, if you observe, is not a question but a statement, a statement that clearly points to Metallica, the spearheads of the thrash metal movement and the greatest amongst the Great Four. Well, I say that like they’re some cultists involved in revolutionising the field of music; well, but of course they are! Although their roots lie in Lars Ulrich advertising for a guitarist to jam with him in the local newspaper, the addition of James Hetfield you will agree was the second greatest change the band had. For, apart from Ulrich’s voice, Hetfield’s is the most noted. Lead guitarist Kirk Hammett is known to never have opened his mouth even in times of crises, and the time is yet to come for the world to know his take on Newsted’s ousting from the band. Anyway, St. Anger was made solely on the recommendation of Hetfield after he was discharged from the rehabilitation instutition he was admitted in following a period of drug abuse. But which band doesn’t have members who went the wrong way over drugs? To me, Metallica will always top the list my favoutrite bands of all time, and amongst their songs, it will be those from the Black Album and Load.

Metallica was formed in 1981 when, as I said, Ulrich posted an ad in a local newspaper asking for a guitarist he could jam with. There were two candidates, and Hetfield made it (the other candidate having faded out of the Who’s Who of history books). Their next step was to look for a bassist. While in a club one fine night, they sat in the audience with their minds blown away, while Clifford Lee Burton performed onstage; his use of the wah-wah pedal, they said later, was the deciding factor. So Cliff made it. Their last addition was Dave Mustaine, whose inclusion was based on one look at all of his costly equipment. And thus was born Metallica. Well, almost born. A few jamming sessions and recording hours later, the band made the unfortunate discovery of Dave Mustaine’s drug habits, and also his monomania. Mustaine was made to leave the band and Kirk Hammett, a student of the legendary Joe Satriani, was brought in the same afternoon to patch the vacancy up. The rest, as they say, is history. The success of the band as the quadruplet stood only for 6 years when Cliff Burton died in a bus accident near Malmo, Sweden, in 1986. He was replaced two months later by Jason Newsted. The next big change happened in 2003, when Newsted also was sent out and substituted with Robert Trujillo.

The moral and qualitative range of songs that Metallica spans is overwhelming, and their mastery of the instruments is also something to take note of. They started off as saplings in the thrash metal genre, but as the other three of the Great Four (Megadeth, Anthrax and Slayer) began to get phased out with the advent of hard rock and speed metal, Metallica found it easy to stay in the loop. The … And Justice For All album portrayed a noticeable metamorphosis in that they began to embrace the other aspects of life (and not just the emotions) in their lyrics, and their instrumental solos and the acoustic devices also adapted to the audience’s desires. Althought this lost them a section of their fan base, who accused the band of not staying loyal to their roots, they would later woo them again through their Black Album, Load and ReLoad albums. Their latest studio album, Death Magnetic, has a lot of elements of power and speed metal whilst still sticking to the fundamentals of thrash. No other band in the history of rock music has achieved such success as Metallica, with their last 5 studio albums debuting at #1 on the Billboard 200.

Although some songs have no moral bearing and were created just to fill up silent space, some songs come in at the other extreme. For example, Nothing Else Matters and The Unforgiven II are two of the most covered songs worldwide. Before Burton’s unfortunate demise, the songs had a feel of old school towards them; the period that came post-Burton, with Jason Newsted, saw the aquiescing of improved audio recording equipment for the band – as is seen with the difference Master of Puppets and … And Justice For All. Although Hetfield as been criticised at times for his voice and the apparent lack of control and modulation, you will notice that no one else can fit in as perfectly as him as a singer for the band, none of whose songs bear a resemblance to each other – a common phenomenon in Lamb of God‘s tracks. Lars Ulrich and Kirk Hammet, of course, stay as the top innovators within the band. Ulrich’s percussioning skills has always seen improvement, a fact observed form the progression of albums. Hammett’s guitaring skills speak for themselves of course, with a variety of solos in every single album. In fact, his work in Death Magnetic has been lauded with the band receiving a Grammy nomination in the Best Rock Instrumental category for the song ‘Suicide and Redemption‘.

Ex-Black Sabbath vocalist Ronnie James Dio once said that “if you didn’t feel the hair raise on the back of your neck, if you didn’t feel goosebumps on your skin, if you didn’t feel your stomach churn while listening to metal, then it isn’t for you”. The rhythmic progression of the drum beats, the occasional pounding of the bass, the lilts of the guitars, the carrying voice of the vocalist, all these come together in the right proportions and avalanche down on your ears as a cascade of power, and no one does it better than Metallica. Even if my statement – “the greatest band in the world is Metallica” – is disputed by one of my readers, I will still rest assured in the knowledge that the name of the band will always remain on the lips of the fellows having that discussion. It is hard to leave the band out. They have constantly improvised on their creations, while at the same time upholding the superiority of the thrash metal genre when it comes to the madness of metal. Many musical groups start off with jazz, move on to glam rock, and then speed/power metal, climax with melodic death, and finally decline as alternative or jazz again. The evolution of music is complete, whereas the sound of music is but a cycle: as the times change, so will the audience. To cater to all of them is beyond mastery: that skill stems from an ability to understand one’s listeners and to give them what they think they need, while remaining as something they will always need. That, for you, is Metallica!

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I’m listening to… ‘The House That Jack Built’, Metallica

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A Love Song By Al Green

It was early in the morn, a couple of hours before my examinations. I was listening to Al Green’s ‘Ain’t No Sunshine’. Apart from our earlier break up, the thought of her always uplifts my soul, gives me a kick in the guts, and keeps me going. I wonder where Al Green got that clarity from to express the feelings of every heartbroken soul with those few words, with that one piece of music. Even when she’s gone, I have those moments, like everyone else like me, when I feel her next to me, and life seems so straightened out. I don’t know how she does it. One thought, and the solution snaps to form before my eyes! “There’s no sunshine when she’s gone… gone away!”. I can think of that so many times.

Before every test, before every quiz, before every interview, before every examination, before every event, before every everything, I have to hear from her. It’s not a placebo; it doesn’t work like a placebo. I know what the trick is: hearing from her makes me see the sun straight in the eyes, I feel radiant, it makes me feel wanted. Although she’s not there anymore, it makes me feel wanted. I know that sounds sad, but there’s no helping it. If it works that way, then let it. Just let it. I’m not doing anything to disturb it. I still love her with all my heart, and she need not love me back. It reminds me of a time when everything was so right, I was left wondering how anything could change at all. If you think I’m an idiot who prefers to stay stuck in his past, then think so. I don’t care! If you think I need to move on, if you think I need to be able to accept my future for what it is and embrace it, I’m not going to. I’m staying here, right in my past, clinging on to the good times. Leave me be.

And all this is not just because Al Green made me speak in his brevity. It’s the feeling, the overwhelming feeling of change that keeps us all yearning for the cocoon of constancy. She kept me happy in a world of change. Is there anyone else who can do that? I don’t think so, and as long as I don’t think so, there’s nothing you can do about it. “Wonder this time where she’s gone…”. Oh, yes, I always think of her. If you think it helps if I don’t talk to her for a few days, you’re wrong. It’s actually the other way round. If she’s missing for a few days, I go mad. When she says “I’ll be around if ever you want anything”, my heart bleeds. I know that if she’s left me, she won’t be around for all my life. Tell me, will you be able to let go of such a dream when you can stay happy all your life? I think not.

But I do know I’m in love with her when I’m ready to sacrifice all my happiness if only I can keep her as happy for the rest of her life. And that means letting her go. As hard as that is something to do, you have to do it. If you love her that much, you gotta let go. If she loves you, she’ll come back one day. And that’s a joy greater than anything: you get to keep up to your promise of eternal joy for her. Isn’t that so beautiful? But it’s so hard to let go! The one thing I dread the most about break ups is not the times after the break up, but the moment when your fingers slip out of each other. That’s when you don’t want the distance between you and her to come to life. You want to kill the moment. You want to stop time right there, and keep her with you. Let the world jeer! I won’t care!

“It’s not warm when she’s away…”. So true. But she’s always gone once she’s gone. So much promise, so much hope, all shattered in a bleak moment of hopelessness. We are all humans, and the feeling of love amongst us is the most comples of all. For all I know, ‘love is blind’ could be a scientific statement! You don’t know what it is to suffer its pangs until it strikes you, and once it does, there’s no cure but for death. But remember, dying is never an option. It’s a moment of cowardice that refuses to fade out. I’d rather stand and fight all my life rather than stay lost for ever. It’s not easy, but it’s love. It’s worth waiting for. It’s worth being around for. Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Much better to have loved and won.

Take care,


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Mischievous Me. Foolish you.

A couple of weeks back, I started a Googlepages Page and wrote down a crappy poem. After hitting the ‘Publish’ button, I had an idea. I went back, and scribbled at the bottom of the poem: “I won a local poetry competition with this poem. It’s one of my favourites“. You should have seen the accolades I received for that! People going “aah!” and “ohh!” all over it. I let this go on for a few days before I took it down. Before I deleted the page, I did let those people know it was a farce, and how they had all fallen for it. Witness! 😛

* * *

I know that was a little too harsh to pull off, probably like insulting the intelligence of those people. But intelligence?! Seriously?! These days, people have none of that – at least, quite a few don’t. You know I’m not wrong here. Many of us have our priorities all jumbled up. We don’t the precession of events as they happen, we don’t know the capitals of our neighbouring states, we don’t know where some countries lie altogether, we don’t know that time difference doesn’t mean time travel, we don’t know that… well, let’s just say we don’t know a lot of things. The amount of institutionalisation and changelessness in our lives has not only frozen evolution, but has also permitted so much stupidity to seep in that ’stupid questions’ have become separate from ’stupid people’ now! I mean, what has happened?! I know that’s a lot to deduce from my sham, but if you think about it, that’s where you’ll end up. I write something meaningless, and people assume it might be good just because I said so. Don’t you have opinions of your own? Why the need to conform? There’s nothing in being different, and there’s nothing wrong in being you. But people take so much time to understand that!

And just because I don’t attend parties, I’m anti-social? Just because I don’t like to talk that much, I have issues? Just because I have weird thoughts, I’m pathological? (Like icky hot-dog jokes :P) Just because I don’t splurge money on clothes, I’m not creative? Just because my shirt and pants don’t match, I’m not to be befriended? These are some of the crazy things the society has stereotyped right into your head! You don’t even look beyond these things and take them for granted. When asked, you say you don’t have the time for such nonsense. What nonsense? What time? How long does it take to come to a decision?! When you look back later in life, I’m sure you will rue the day you weren’t yourself. “Be yourself is all that you can do” (Audioslave sends its regards) – and there will always be more to life if only you are yourself.

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane
But the memory remains

Heavy rings on fingers wave
Another star denies the grave
See the nowhere crowd
Cry the nowhere cheers of honor

Like twisted vines that grow
Hide and swallow mansions whole
In light of an already
Faded prima donna

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane…
Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane…
But the memory remains

Heavy rings hold cigarettes
Up to lips that time forgets
While the hollywood sun sets
Behind your back

And cant the band play on
Just listen, they play my song
Ash to ash
Dust to dust
Fade to black

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane…
Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane…
Dance little tin goddess

Drift away
Fade away
Little tin goddess

Ash to ash
Dust to dust
Fade to black

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane…
Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane…
But the memory remains

Ash to ash
Dust to dust
Fade to black…
But the memory remains
Faded prima donna

Dance little tin goddess dance

(’The Memory Remains’, Metallica)

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