Tag Archives: poem


This is a small poem I wrote, more like a war song. It’s not finished yet; it’s the first I’ve written in a long time as an attempt tp hone my poetic skills. Let me know what you think.

Ruffling their robes hidden behind the black storm

The tempestuous ride with growing ferocity

On horses of fire and hooves of thunder

They come without halt, break or surrender


Their captain rode foremost and gallant

Speaking to his steed in silent whispers

They ride together above looming clouds

Shredding all faces of fortitude or doubt


Fourteen eyes gaze unto the filth beneath

The song of retribution sparking at their lips

Bearing aloft the prongs of blight and decay

Seeking to unleash due justice ere the fall of today


Mighty trees give way and mountains grumble

In ancient tongues that spake through roars

The land is split asunder as the skin torn

Exposing a beating heart our earth has borne


Giant waves lash relentlessly on bereaved shores

The storm is coming that they see and believe

Water rained from above and water drowned from below

Shelters flew uprooted in the air like dancing willows


There is a momentous silence as the sun sets

Striking the sky with a flash of orange hue

That is their signal and the stormriders come

A silent smile hidden in the depth of their eye


Death beckons as a beacon from the ground

Hidden from mortal sight by veils of ignorance

The steeds fly as renewed and born anew

And hope then remained in the minds of few

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Into The Sky


Blue raindrops in a frail summer breeze

It’s a feeling fine to watch them die

Like fading sight of a swift bird in flight

It’s a beautiful feeling to be lost in the sky


Try once again to feel the trees speak

In silent whispers on a white morning

Patches of clouds linger in light majesty

To hear the green leaves of nature calling

Forget your sorrows behind in the end

And walk the road ahead in anticipation

Of a forgotten joy speaking through a memory

Feeling a growing song of calm elation


Walk your road along with no shoulders to support or hands to hold

Walk your road back home into your heart of hearts

With the setting sun ahead speaking of a evening that’s getting cold

Walk your road back home into your heart of hearts


Smile once again as you think back 

The little thoughts that once held you

Together in a moment of lonely pain

Smile so you won’t forget them too

Flightless birds take off in silence  

I’ve tried but I don’t know why

Are they to be forgotten or no

But they always make me cry


Tell me, mother, where are you

Your son is coming back home

Cook me your special pudding tonight

And don’t leave your son alone again


Walk your road along with no shoulders to support or hands to hold

Walk your road back home into your heart of hearts

With the setting sun ahead speaking of a evening that’s getting cold

Walk your road back home into your heart of hearts

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Filed under Philosophy

The Rainsong Jabberwock


I know not if there has ever been 

An incident in the past

Where the poet sat down to 

Write a poem about poems

About how he is inspired to write 

By one thing or the other

To dedicate them all as inspirations 

And to lock them away as gems

In an old trunk that he keeps 

In the corner of a forelorn room

Only to awaken the next morning 

To open the treasure chest

Be inspired again to come up 

With something new – a new jewel?

As he works away in lonesome joy 

To better his yet artful best

I imagine he will ignore hunger and thirst 

And sleep and dream

Just so he doesn’t interrupt 

Himself in his unending travels

For we both know he will stop 

When he can write no more

Till his fingers don’t stand limp 

And his mind no more unravels


I know not why I called this the rainsong

For it has nothing to do with rains

Nor does it concern itself with a song

It’s just to relieve some fictional pains


You must forgive me

For wasting your time

But I will only hope

You noticed that it rhymed


I never really understood why

The poems I heard as a child followed a pattern

They never had any a meaning to them

And there seemed nothing to learn


‘Tis not often that I write

Something such as this to while away

What’s left of some little time I have

Before a test later in the day


But it somehow always feels good

To do something sans requirement

Just for the heck of it all

And this line must rhyme with Kent


Ah, poetry.


I just felt like writing a poem and calling it ‘Rainsong’. And I don’t know why, but it feels good and wholesome at the end. Perhaps I will sit down, later in the day, and waste time trying to infuse it with some metaphorical meaning.  

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Filed under Comic relief

Down With A Bout Of The Boredom

Let’s establish that you’re imagining

Sitting alone in your room doing nothing

Let’s get it right that you’re bored now

And all you’re doing is whining


Get up and walk out through that door

It’s all empty and there’s no one in the hall

There’s some stains, some dirt on the floor

Guys have just come back from some football


The elevator’s shut down for service they say

So you take the stairs down for some evening tea

The weather’s as platonic as the dull day

And the mess hall ain’t a pretty sight to see


There’s no one there, maybe out smoking

You grab a cup of tea and decide to head out

Uh oh! Kane’s right there, and he ain’t joking

You don’t get the funda, and you feel like shouting


It’s dull inside, and probably better outside

You can’t get there with your cup of tea

Sit on a dull blue chair and stare at the light

You can share your cuppa tea with some silence


You’re down with a bout of the boredom 

There’s nothing you can do to set it right

You’d rather be someplace else with a bottle o’ rum

And a lady over the counter settin’ you right!


Oh, you scream! Save me from this hell!

How can there be nothing for you to do?

Somethin’ to help you climb outta this rusty shell?

Perhaps the chick that flew?

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Filed under The Miscellaneous Category

Into The Sunset

It’s a small enough room with a big enough bed
Where on a hard day’s night, I lie down dead
It’s a wardrobe full of clothes
A shelf full of books I’ve never read
But full of tales
From a far away place
With a damsel in distress

The winter’s always been cold around here
With all the clouds, the sun’s never been clear
The sands are always silent
And the songs of life are not for you to hear
But I wouldn’t hesitate
Once in a while, to stay up late
And wash my hands off money and a li’l fate

Come, take me home!
Come, don’t leave me alone!
Come, let’s have it blown!
Come, show me what it means to be!

I’d like to have the road laid open before me
I’d like it there under the sun for me to see
For life’s just a journey
A road like this for a guy like me to be!
Into the sunset
Oh, let me go, let’s
Ride into the sun and ride it free!

But I’m stuck within these four walls
While it’s just a sound while the wildlife calls
Just a lonely guy in my room
Just waiting for the day the wall falls!
Come crumbling down!
Come, break your crown!
Come, let’s ride outta town!

Come, break me free!
Come, let us see!
Come, ride with me!
Come, ride into the sunset with me!

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