Tag Archives: political conspiracy

Nostradamus and Mumbai: What's the connect?


Mabus plus tost alors mourra, viendra,
De gens & bestes vn horrible defaite:
Puis tout à coup la vengeance on verra,
Cent, main, faim quand courra la comete.

(Mabus then will soon die, there will come
A horrible undoing of people and animals:
At once vengeance one will see vengeance,
One hundred hands, thirst, famine, when the comet will run.)

Nostradamus’s controversial and hugely popular ‘Centuries’, containing his prophecies of the world events, has predicted the happening of a World War 3 from 2009 – 2012. The above lines are from ‘Centuries’, and the name ‘Mabus’, restricted to a single mention in C2-Q62, is the name of the Third Anti-Christ who is poised to rise in the near future. However, the the prophesy indicates that the advent of doomsday will come after the fall of ‘Mabus’.

‘Mabus’ is an anagram as well as a portmanteau of the names of many world leaders and important figures who have played significant roles in shaping the world to what it is today. Some of them include Al Musab Al Zarqawi, a terrorist of the Al Qaeda clan who was killed by a US laser guided bomb, Saddam Hussein, George Bush (father or son?), and most importantly, Barrack Hussein Obama himself.

Check this one out (obviously the invention of a fanatical conspiracy theorist!): Barrack + obaMA + US. Moving on, Obama’s right hand man happens to be one Raymond Edwin Mabus, a US political leader and businessman.

So what lies in the future for us?

If you’re a conspiracy theorist too, you might want to check this one out: john-cox.


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