Tag Archives: power

Frail fodder

Early in the morning, I switch on the TV to find CNN-IBN’s sports section diverting all its attention on Baichung Bhutia, India’s football icon/idol, having missed an exhibition match in favour of attending a celebrity dance show which he also happened to win. I wondered why such a prolific news channel was spending hours together trying to get every scrap of worthless information on the screen – information that somehow concerned Bhutia’s personal life as well. I was also surprised to see a live interview running simultaneously, with the host firing question after question at the poor footballer as to why he decided to take some time off for himself in the middle of a season that didn’t have more than a few league games in the offing.

Dhoni on Times Now
Dhoni on Times Now

The same thing happened last week when India lost their quarter-finals berth in the ICC T20 World Cup being held in England. Of course, being defenders of the title from the tournament’s debut in 2008, the expectations from the team was high. However, to many, a loss was expected somewhere down the line because the IPL T20 league games had only just finished and many, if not all, of the team players were under considerable stress and fatigue. Once India lost the crucial game to England, both Times Now and CNN-IBN became rife with questions of whether Dhoni (the captain) should be replaced, and how the Indian team was slipping, and how this was wrong and how that was wrong. There are two aberrations I see here. The first is that I’m 100% sure that if we’d won the game with England, Dhoni would have entered his “Poster Boy of India” Phase II and the media persons would have jumped around carrying his image on their heads. And secondly, having spent valuable hours scrounging for information that will (inevitably) soon be forgotten, I’m only led to believe these news channels will popularise anything to make money.

(And before I leave you, there’s another small thing I’d like to bring to light. I, rather we all, learnt that there was a women’s T20 World Cup going on. This came to light only when the men’s tourney showed no signs of progress. Is it that these news channels go solely after the money? Or is it that these news channels are allowed to assume what the viewer wants or does not want to see?)

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The Change Of Guard

Recently, I had an interesting conversation with a few friends of mine. We were talking about those things that 20 year olds usually talk about when suddenly the talks turned sober. Someone from some corner had brought up the issue of paedophilia, and immediately, small political arguments began to pop up from around the table. While we were engrossed in it, Benjamin made a quirky comment when asked by Niaz if he was willing to start an awareness campaign in college about it. This is what he said: “I’m not worried man! Oprah Winfrey will take care of it. She is one of the most powerful women in the world, she’s not gonna sit quiet in her studio and let paedophilia take over!” Although all that he said was right, it was not enough. I began to wonder if this was the mentality we had all begun to assume, that of complacence in favour of letting the lobbyists take care of everything. Where is democracy today? People think that once they’ve voted, their job is done. It is not! Democracy has a meaning, a very fundamental underlying principle that makes it the most efficient way to rule a country. It gives power to the people, we the people, not only during the elections but also after it. How many of us know that in India there quite a few methods to impeach our own MLA when he is in power? I’m sure the US also has something along the same lines. How many of us actually realise that while all the ministers sit in their chambers of ‘power’ and discuss ‘national issues’, they can only discuss the questions we have asked? For if it is money they are after, no minister would bother to open his mouth once the elections are done with. Our government runs the country, but WE run the government itself! We forget that chain of command and drown in cheap self-pity, an emotion that ultimately cascades into surrendering to the ways of the corrupt. If you think the sewage dump stinks, it’s only because you’ve dumped your garbage there. If we think it’s too late to change anything, we’re wrong. It’s never too late but I agree that it’s easier said than done. Let’s make a change today. All we need is belief. All we need to change is the small things around us. We need to be able to believe that one day, things will be different.

I’m sure you would have heard all of this some thousand times, but have you ever wondered why people keep talking about it?  

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Inhibiting Infinity

Mankind. Mortality. Birth. Death. Living. Power. Freedom. Individuality. Identity. These nine elements characterize the aspects of living of every man and woman on this earth. Mankind as such guides us through life, imbuing in us the values and morals in order to make those decisions that require it. Mortality is a confine within we are destined to remain, and our rise or fall happens within its four walls. Birth and death are significant philosophical and religious aspects that govern our way of thinking and in the formation of a philosophy for the living. Power happens to be man’s ultimate desire: going beyond the need for human companionship, the skill to command it at will draws us more. Freedom is the necessity to force such megalomaniac individuals to relinquish control, and only with freedom can one’s individuality be explored and one’s identity realised. Everything that happens around us, whether as a consequence of our actions or as a subsequence that impacts us through the actions of others, can be attributed to many of these elements. Even the concept of God, and godliness, finds its roots in them. By trying to reach for the absolute, in whatsoever form it is in, we have have begun our journey in realising who we are and what our purpose is. But by believing a God to be existent, we have established the limits of our own capabilities. Man cannot be God. If man is God, then man is not man anymore. And when you put this reasoning into action, you give up on something which may have truly deserved, in favour of the temporary contentment you come to have with what is already in your grasp. When someone says “too much of power or too much of success is not good”, I am prompted to think why not. God exists only in our beliefs, and beyond that superset, nothing can be proved right or wrong because of what we perceive. Even though one might argue that God is a conception of what is beyond our sensibility, God then invariably constructs the limited universe for us. Mankind, in trying to define infinity, has committed a folly in trying to quantify it as well. Infinity, if left to itself, does not seek to limit our reaches, but in placing an almighty entity as the being that quantifies the unquantifiable, we have locked ourselves into finite realms. Why shouldn’t too much of success be good for anyone? Is it that, then, he or she denies a God His stance? Or is it that he or she will then try to breach our limitations as we know them? The traits to misuse it are, however, imbued in our blood. When you don’t want to deny a lion its meat even when in a zoo, you must also know that man is an animal and deserves to be a non-vegetarian just because he exists! It is as nature intended it. By denying ourselves the opportunity to indulge in our exploits, we are inhibiting evolution as it should be. To cut a long story short: God inspires nihilism.

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