Tag Archives: predictions

The end of the world?

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(The text reads: I was watching Inconvenient truth the other day and theres this bit where it shows the sea level rising really high and flooding most of the world. Well I live near the sea, don’t want to drown, so I got to thinking. Maybe if we lower the sea level a bit, when the water level rises then it won’t rise high enough to flood. Anyway, here’s the plan. Everyone who can should take a bucket of sea water and pour it down the sink. If lots of people put the effort in, we could lower the sea level substantially and make a better world for our children to live in.)

THE END OF THE WORLD? A lot of stuff’s been going on about the end of the world as foretold in the Mayan calendar, WW3 as predicted by Nostradamus, and the LHC experiment to be conducted by CERN in 2012. Amidst all of this, the debates also rage around the recent Mumbai blasts and India’s suspected attack (either military or diplomatic :P) against Pakistan. To top it all, US Secy. of State, Condoleezza Rice, lands up in India and asks us to calm down and not go to war – look who’s talking! We’ve taken a gazillion terror strikes up our ass and we’re contemplating war, while they take in just one and wage war against two countries!


I think we should be heard too. Here’s what’s going around my hostel here in Dubai!

Bala: We must go to war! If India can produce a list of terrorists with their contact details in Pakistan, it can’t be a fake. If Pakistan refuses to extradite them, then it’s a case of failure to show goodwill. Unfortunately, we don’t have enough politicians at the top with a backbone. But war is the best option! BrahMos it off!

Nair: I hate America! But I don’t know if I’m a communist, although I’m pro-BJP. And who the **** are those A******ns to step into our soil and ask us not to go to war! Mind your own business, *************! You know what India should do? Just walk into Pakistan! Like in civilian clothes! Give a **** not for them! I hate America!

Sawant: Going to war is not an option. Even if both countries have nukes, the use of a nuclear weapon is highly regulated, and no matter how many nukes we have – use one and we’re ******. But I’ve been wondering. What if this is a ruse by the Al Qaeda or some other clan to distract Pakistan’s attention on India? If that was it, then they’ve succeeded. I think we should stick to a diplomatic victory now.

Iyyer: Oh… I didn’t know!

MS: We shouldn’t continuously blame Pakistan. If A says we’re not involved in any of the activities of C, and don’t know where C is hidden inside A, then B should try something other than placing the blame on A, ‘cos that’s just foolish and a waste of important time. Oh, and A is Pak, B is India, and C is who ever it is.

Funny Man: I think India should use its floating tanks. They exist, I tell you! Tanks that float in water! You know how it works? I know! I’ll tell you. It’s made of metal, and it is hollow inside, so it will float. And India has 1000 nukes, and Pakistan has 4. What are we waiting for?!


The_MJ: It’ll be sexy, no?! The end of the world as we know it in 2012! Amazing! I’m just gonna spend my money on all that I’ve ever wanted! But I do hope the world ends after that. I don’t want to come back to life in 2013 and find that I’m bankrupt!


Anyway, the most fiery search these days on Google happens to be Nostradamus and his predictions. I myself have received some hundred visitors looking for his ideas on WW3. Along with the rumour that the Mayans thought the world was gonna end in 2012, I think 2012 ought to be one intense year of speculation and anticipation. Something has to happen then! A famed seer and an age old civilization have both earmarked these next four years for some apocalyptic event. When I believe that I am a man of science and one having faith only in scientific reasoning, I am only led to think that the Illuminati or the Priory of Sion are still active, them and their fabled secrets.

That reminds me of the CERN people. Apparently, they have this kick-ass experiment scheduled for performance in 2012 at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider). I’m sure there must be one or two loons in there hurrying to build that damned thing and leave before it implodes into a black hole. Fine, I’ve conceded that I’m waiting for 2012 to happen. Now think of the scientists! If they postpone or advance the experiment, it will mean that they’ve surrendered to non-scientific reasoning. If they do hold the experiment as per schedule, then it’s gotta be with them biting their nails and stuff.

For once, science isn’t freaking me so much!


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