Tag Archives: rural

The Localised Dilution of Resources: A look at Paul Romer's 'Charter City' Concept

This is a TED Talk by Paul Romer, a professor who left his job at Stanford to pursue his very revolutionary idea of the ‘Charter City’. In this talk, he emphasises on the power of rules, and how they guide the technology which it needs to actualise ideas. This he conveys with the following image.


Now, rules are the little builders that erect walls within a system, the walls that will bring to life guiding paths for data to move in and out. They specify what can happen and what can’t. With the right technology, what rules can do is not only bring to life ideas – which they make possible because they bring to life the goals that the idea has in mind – but also behave as administrative interfaces between the intelligence that has put them in place and the machinery that will do the manufacturing. For example, in a car, the gearbox behaves like a rule that creates smaller rules. The engine of the car produces power which is conveyed to the wheels by means of a crankshaft. By bringing in the gearbox, I am able to enforce a set of rules in the system. If I now set the gear to ‘R’, the system will deliver outputs of a different kind by moving the car backwards.




In essence, they govern systems by enabling the incorporation of ideas in the working machinery.

When Romer talks about the good rules and the bad rules, I believe that he is talking about the behavior of any rule in general. A good rule is that which makes the car move backwards when the gear is set to ‘R’ and forward when set to anything else. A bad rule can either be a car that doesn’t move when a gear is changed or that which behaves in opposing manners.

That being said, I was thinking of my ocuntry, India, and how these good rules and bad rules can be identified within its administrative cogs, and how those Charter Cities can be brought to life. Because, just as much as Romer points out to the examples of North and South Korea, and Cuba and Canada, he is essentially pointing to regions in the world where neighboring populations have access to disproportionate amounts of resources because of a change in leadership.

Let me establish the analogy to India here. In India, the nation is divided into little states (on a linguistic basis) each of which has its own little government and a Chief Minister at the helms. Therefore, different states have different policies of governance. This means that they have different rules. This disparity, to note, is lessened by the fact that the central government is usually a coalition of these smaller state parties. But that doesn’t change the fact that when I cross the border from Tamil Nadu into Kerala, I’m exposed to (possibly) the same resources but in different amounts because of a change in leadership.

Let me question myself at this stage.

  1. What are the problems I see? To answer this, imagine a vector field that illustrates the policies of the different states. Extrapolated on the India map, they would be a set of arrows pointing in different directions, some similar, representing their individual goals. If two arrows point in opposite directions, they don’t necessarily different goals, but different target groups. For example, Gujarat may target the farmer more than Rajasthan, which will eye the urban crowd. Although they do aid the nation from different directions, this fragmented governing as I see it has one pro and one con.
    1. Pro: With leaders governing smaller and smaller pieces of land, they are able to manage resources better than just one person and one party at the top.
    2. Con: Sometimes, resources are spread across borders and it may be beneficial for a region in particular to be governed in a specific way.
  2. What are the bad rules? The bad rules I choose to see are with respect to this fragmented government policy of the nation.
  3. What are the outcomes of these bad rules? As Romer says in his talk, villages are too small to experience the benefits of a good business and nations are too big. What is of just the right size is the city. In the Indian political context, when a state assumes the administrative parenthood of a city, it gives rise to a mismanagement of resources. Let me elucidate thorugh some points.
    1. Imagine a state that has a political capital and a commercial capital. Now, suppose that the state is so large that close to 95% of its population resides in small villages.
    2. A party gets elected to govern the state by a mostly rural turnout. Therefore, it is possible that the party that has come to power would have promised benefits for the farmer more than the software engineer.
    3. Now, the state can either be aligned with the central government’s interests or opposed to it.
      1. If aligned, then a nationalised subsidy for the farmer will be compounded by the state’s interests.
      2. If opposed, then the state will turn down the nationalised subsidy and bring into picture its own. Result? The state is wasting its resources.
    4. This localised policy shift will have two outcomes of its own.
      1. If aligned, the farmer will be receiving twice as many benefits as the software engineer.
      2. If opposed, the software engineer in the state will be moving at a pace different from a software engineer elsewhere in the nation.
    5. This particular scenario is quite relevant I would say to the current Indian sociopolitical scenario. Therefore, what the fragmented governance is giving rise to is an uneven utilisation of resources that in a region throughout which the resources are spread out – a localised resource concentration/dilution.
    6. The ultimate loser is the city. Since it is a collection of humans, the value of the city itself is derived from the capabilities of these people. When Romer says that the land value increases because the city’s inhabitants are earning more, it actually means that the city – through its location and other properties – has enabled its people to be like that. In the scenario I detailed out, the urban population is either exposed to a disparate quantity and quality of resources or does not avail them at all.
  4. What is my solution? The set of bad rules that I attributed this problem to was the usage of a fragmented governing system. My solution is to fragment the already existing pieces into even smaller ones. And before you think I’m an idiot, let me tell you why that solve some problems.

Even though close to 64% of the Indian population is engaged in agrarian activities most of which falls into the rural category, it is the cities that make a difference. With the amount of data that is sent in and out of them, a city makes itself relevant by making sure the data comes from and reaches the right group of people. For starters, think of the two technologies that have substantially increased the nation’s crop output over the last 10 years.

The first was the launch of the INSAT weather satellite. A look at the following table will give you an idea of the benefits of the launch – which was a very important outcome of the utilisation of urban solutions.

Economic Benefits Rs. Millions
Program Nature of Benefit Estimate from Case Studies Potential Benefit to the country in the Long-run
1. National Drinking Water Technology Mission Cost saving due to increase in success rate 2,560

(5 States)

5,000 – 8,000
2. Urban Area Perspective / Development / Zonal / Amenities Plan for Cities / Towns Cost saving in mapping 50.4

(6 Cities)

16,000 – 20,000
3. Forest Working Plan Cost saving in mapping 2,000

(200 Divisions)

4. Potential Fishing Zone Advisories Cost saving due to avoidance of trips in non-PFZ advisories 5,450 16,350
5. Wasteland Mapping: Solid Land Reclamation Productivity gain 990


6. Integrated Mission for Sustainable Development: Horticultural Development in Land With and Without Shrub Gross income Rs.0.20 to 0.40

(per hectare)

13,000 – 26,000
7. Bio-prospecting for Medicinal Herbs Value of Indian life saving drugs 800

(From http://epress.anu.edu.au/narayanan/mobile_devices/ch10s06.html)

The second technology that came to the aid of the farmer was the combined harvester-thresher, which reduced the duration of labor that was required to harvest and thresh a piece of land by substantial amounts.

In this fragmentation process, the nation could be divided down to form clearly discernible urban and rural regions. As I said earlier, it is important for the cities to be governed similar so that all cities in a particular region are availed similar qualities of the similar quantities of resources. Does this look like Communism on a broader scale? Perhaps. But what it ensures is that, with the democratization of information exchange through urban areas, there can be greater coordination towards acheiving common goals. At the same time, rural areas, specifically the agrarian ones, will receive greater and greater concentrations of useful information instead of what just the state has decided to give them.

In this fragmentation, which I call the second-degree fragmentation (SDF), the danger of there arising a difference in policies as a result of the installation of different state governments is eliminated. Secondly, the Charter Cities that Paul Romer suggested could be translated into this SDF picture in that all cities work as one super-city in terms of resource management and policy establishment.

I have two concerns at the end of this post.

  1. With the current system set so firmly in its ways, bring in such a massive change is quite impossible. Therefore, if anyone has any such comments to put forth, please don’t do so. Instead, what I’d like to hear about is its theoretical validity.
  2. I have not studied this subject (yet). There’s still a long time to go for me to be there. But before then, if you have anything to suggest or criticise (constructively), let me know.


Filed under Politics

The Greater Divide

When the state governs my way of living and the culture that douses my thoughts and shapes them into the actions I perform, it becomes my religion because it is my source of life . The life I come to establish for myself is done so according to my desires, but the objects of desire and the resources I have to attain them are both materialised in what the state can provide for its citizens. However, this is where the preaching ends; most people confuse this feeling for patriotism. Belief in your fellow brothers and sisters is patriotism – when you can rest assured that the nation that is now your home will always foster only the people who believe in themselves, and thereby imbue the soil of the earth with a belief in life, then you are a patriot. But when you adopt your society as more than a home, and even as a religion, then you are beyond patriotic. You are just a philosopher. The notion of the state developed from the government itself, which could govern only when a law was enforced, only when the belief, which is as strong as the weakest believer, in itself amongst its subjects could be planted. The lay man must not be allowed to rely on any other organisation other than that which he has elected; this notion is not because the state wants to restrict us with fear or force, but because then, the function of such an organisation becomes smoother and the restricted individuality you will come to assume later on will be manifested in your conformity to the state’s laws. But patriotism is independent of the state itself. It is a steadfast belief in the nation that houses its people. The difference between a patriot and a politician is observed in its most fundamental level here. A patriot will look towards his fellows for help in governing a nation, not a state. A politician has to begin from being a leader amidst his people and climb the political ladder until he can be the leader of a state. A patriot is not governed by laws because he does not conform to the state; and by virtue of being a patriot, he will need no laws to abide by as he is the ideal citizen. But a politician is a leader moulded by the laws he conforms to and abides by even as a citizen of the nation, and is therefore a son of the state.

Indian politics is governed by the 31 or so states it comprises of. At the time of independence, these states were carved out on the basis of the language of its peoples. Consequently, as each language represented different but similar cultures, the caste system in each state developed independent of each other. However, since these different systems encompassed people living in similar economic climates, they blossomed (if that) into an almost equal stage of complexity, intricacy and seepage down the strata of the society. When the people under a same national government are divided amongst themselves in the election of a local government, the politicians and their political parties must unite these people in order to secure a majority. This is where the FC (forward classes) and the BC (backward classes) come into the picture. The FC comprise of, primarily, Brahmins, and have been around for about 2,000 years. The BC have also been around for an equally long time, but they constitute a larger number of divisions of people. The BC can further be sub-divided as SC (scheduled castes), ST (scheduled tribes), etc. Therefore, in trying to establish a majority in the senate, the fractions of FC and BC voting in the elections play a very, very important role. The FC don’t trust the BC and vice versa, which is only natural given the history of each sect of people. I am from Tamil Nadu, a state in south India, and we have had a 69% allotment for BC in all our educational institutions for quite some time now. Whereas, the scanrio in the northern states is completely different. When the national government introduced a minimum 27% quota in the state-administered IITs and IIMs, there was a great uproar among the FC, who faced no such quota because they were all from urban backgrounds, and now had to concede part of their available seats to a group people who were now eligible for a first class teaching process just by virtue of their class.

Tell me this. What is a government to do when:

  1. It finds it unable to channel sufficient funds for the education of the people of the backward classes. Now, I don’t think you can always blame a government of corruption just because the funds are vanishing into thin air every time they are announced. The villager will point at the local panchayat leader, who will point at the district MLA, and so on and so forth. If all you can do is point and shout, then you are not doing all you can.
  2. The FC prevent the government from seeking a solution for this crisis by itself when it announces a 27% quota in the IITs and the IIMs. I agree the the quality of the students graduating from the institutes will also project a 27% chance of lowness.

By having so-so party the centre, we must not forget our duties while fighting for our rights at the same time. If you want the local or national government to uphold your rights, then you should expect the government to expect its citizens to fulfill their duties. I am not placing the blame on either of the sides here, but I am just asking both sides to consider their actions in the light of this dilemma. The election of a government is like electing your king, your sire, your leader. You cannot then all sit down and expect things to happen around you. If you want to protect the quality of the institution you are studying in, then you must make sure that all the people who want to seek admission there possess a certain quality themselves. We must not just seek answers to all the questions we have to ask. We must be in a position to answer them ourselves.

I have always believed the college as being an institution with importance equaling that of the primary schools. Primary schooling sows the seeds of knowledge in the child, whereas the college makes use of an education that has fermented this knowledge into a mature and applicable form. During the college days, the student will develop from being someone dependent on others to the one who is dependent on himself. At this point of time, everything around him or her will seem like a resource, and his or her productivity will see an exponential increase and decisions will come to be more informed. However, if he wishes to enter politics, it is considered an exception to the rule! But this fact can always find itself rooted in the requirement that the candidate for the local election has to be a man of the people. By this, I mean that he must have understood the actual problems that rock the nation as it were, and he must be able to, at least, circumnavigate around these problems if he can’t find a solution for them. And even amongst these problems, you can difference between those harassing the FC, and those, the BC. The BC won’t vote for an FC candidate and vice-versa. And since most of the FC have emigrated in search of better jobs, while the remaining lose faith in the local government by the second, the BC prevail in the end. When it is time for a re-election, the FC again lose faith in a government that has been run by the BC, and give up their chance to make a difference. The worst is when this cycle is called a vicious cycle!

This is no vicious cycle! It can be vicious if it spawns itself! What is there to spawn?! You spawn your own decline of faith! A government and all your people cannot be blamed for that! Even if you somehow lose hope in a government not run by people of your class, the right to vote is the most fundamental and most important of all! It is a right! You don’t fight for it! You don’t pay for it! And even if you believe in the division of people into classes and castes, it is not mandatory that your son has to believe in the same. Give the future generations a chance to make a difference. Even if you think there is no need for a difference, you must also know that their future is not yours to govern. The want to make a difference is not a mandate. It is, after all, an option. And your faith in your children can only be displayed in its fullest when you let them make their own decisions. When the FC and the BC stop thinking of each other as different people but people coming form different parts of the same nation, patriotism will be projected at its most glorious. And only a patriot will know what the nation needs, not a politician.

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