Tag Archives: weird names

Not So Caducus

Hello world it is! (I was wondering how to say Hi and not sound lame at the same time 😛 ) Ah well… I deleted my older blog, Politiculous, just because I didn’t like how it was shaping up. I know I had some pretty important posts in there, so I made backups of only those few. Will be importing it in sometime soon. As a person who likes to write for the heck of it (and the laurels!), I didn’t like how my language was developing. I mean, there’s a good chance it’ll develop the same way again, but I just wanna give this a shot. So here it is: Caducus. I was just fooling around online when I found this name, and it means ‘destined to die’ in Latin. When I hit upon it, I also looked around for ‘Flagrante Delicto’ and ‘Shadenfreude’, but they were already taken. So to say, I don’t think English has any cool words left in it to befit the title of my blog… lol! Anyway, as I was saying, the formality in my language was making the blog look like some textbook or something (I know I shouldn’t be giving myself that much credit), so I hope I can make this one come up as something glasnosty! I’ll be putting up posts soon, so enjoy and feel free to comment on whatever you want to!


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